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== Version 0.28 ==
== Version 0.30 ==
Date: 2015/07/09
* Equations
* Thanks Peter Fodar for fixing misleading javadoc
** Fixed bug where bounds for a submatrix-scalar assignment was being checked using col,row instead of row,col
* Fixed bug in computation of eigenvectors where the first eigenvalue was complex it would get messed up
** Thanks lenhhoxung for reporting this bug
** Thanks user343 for reporting the bug!
* FixedOps
* Complex matrix multiplication
** Added vector equivalents for all element-wise matrix operations
** added multTransA variants
** Added multAdd operators
** added multTransB variants
** added multTransAB variants
== Version 0.27 ==
* Added the following complex decompositions
** Hessenberg Similar Decomposition
Date: 2015/04/01
** Tridiagonal Similar Decomposition
* Added MatrixFeatures.isLowerTriangle()
* Added SimpleMatrix.randomNormal() for drawing numbers from a normal distribution with zero mean
* Added createLike() to all matrices
* Added EjmlUnitTests.assertEquals() and similar for SimpleMatrix
** Creates a new matrix that is the same size and shape. filled with zeros initially
* Removed DenseMatrix64F.setReshape()
* Fixed CRandomMatrices.createHermitian()
** Matrix.set(matrix) will now reshape the matrix that's being assigned
* Fixed CMatrixFeatures.isHermitian()
* Triangle quality now just uses diagonal elements to scale results
* Support for complex matrices
** Thanks IHMC (http://ihmc.us) for funding parts of this addition
** Basic operations (e.g. multiplication, addition, ... etc)
** LU Decomposition + Linear Solver
** QR Decomposition + Linear Solver
** Cholesky Decomposition + Linear Solver
** Square Matrices: inverse, solve, determinant
** Overdetermined: solve
* ComplexMath64F
** Added sqrt(Complex64F)
* Tweaked matrix inheritance to better support the addition of complex matrices
* Added RandomMatrices setGaussian() and createGaussian()
* Changed how SimpleMatrix computes its threshold for singular values
** Farley Lai noticed this issue
* Added SingularOps.singularThreshold()
* Added no argument rank and nullity for SVD using default threshold.
* SimpleMatrix.loadCSV() now supports derived types
* Added primitive 32bit data structures to make adding 32bit support in the future smoother
* Equation
** 1x1 matrix can be assigned to a double scalar
** When referencing a single element in a matrix it will be extracted as a scalar and not a 1x1 matrix.
** Added sqrt() to parser
** lookupDouble() will now work on 1x1 matrices
* CommonOps
** Added dot(a,b) for dot product between two vectors
** Added extractRow and extractColumn
* FixedOps
** Added extractRow and extractColumn.  Thanks nknize for inspiring this modification with a pull request
** Added subtract and subtractEquals. Thanks nknize for the pull request
* Added determinant to Cholesky decomposition interface
* Added getDecomposition() to LinearSolver to provide access to internal classes, which can be useful in some specialized cases.  Alternatives were very ugly.

Revision as of 12:10, 9 November 2016

Version 0.30


  • Thanks Peter Fodar for fixing misleading javadoc
  • Fixed bug in computation of eigenvectors where the first eigenvalue was complex it would get messed up
    • Thanks user343 for reporting the bug!
  • Complex matrix multiplication
    • added multTransA variants
    • added multTransB variants
    • added multTransAB variants
  • Added the following complex decompositions
    • Hessenberg Similar Decomposition
    • Tridiagonal Similar Decomposition
  • Added MatrixFeatures.isLowerTriangle()
  • Added createLike() to all matrices
    • Creates a new matrix that is the same size and shape. filled with zeros initially
  • Fixed CRandomMatrices.createHermitian()
  • Fixed CMatrixFeatures.isHermitian()