Interface CholeskyLDLDecomposition<MatrixType extends Matrix>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
CholeskyLDLDecomposition_F32<MatrixType>, CholeskyLDLDecomposition_F64<MatrixType>
All Known Implementing Classes:
CholeskyDecompositionLDL_DDRM, CholeskyDecompositionLDL_FDRM

public interface CholeskyLDLDecomposition<MatrixType extends Matrix> extends DecompositionInterface<MatrixType>

Cholesky LDLT decomposition.

A Cholesky LDL decomposition decomposes positive-definite symmetric matrices into:


where L is a lower triangular matrix and D is a diagonal matrix. The main advantage of LDL versus LL or RR Cholesky is that it avoid a square root operation.

  • Method Details

    • getL

      MatrixType getL(@Nullable MatrixType L)

      Returns the lower triangular matrix from the decomposition.

      If an input is provided that matrix is used to write the results to. Otherwise a new matrix is created and the results written to it.

      L - If not null then the decomposed matrix is written here.
      A lower triangular matrix.
    • getD

      MatrixType getD(@Nullable MatrixType D)

      Returns the diagonal matrixfrom the decomposition.

      If an input is provided that matrix is used to write the results to. Otherwise a new matrix is created and the results written to it.

      D - If not null it will be used to store the diagonal matrix
      D Square diagonal matrix