Class Equation


public class Equation extends Object

Equation allows the user to manipulate matrices in a more compact symbolic way, similar to Matlab and Octave. Aliases are made to Matrices and scalar values which can then be manipulated by specifying an equation in a string. These equations can either be "pre-compiled" [1] into a sequence of operations or immediately executed. While the former is more verbose, when dealing with small matrices it significantly faster and runs close to the speed of normal hand written code.

Each string represents a single line and must have one and only one assignment '=' operator. Temporary variables are handled transparently to the user. Temporary variables are declared at compile time, but resized at runtime. If the inputs are not resized and the code is precompiled, then no new memory will be declared. When a matrix is assigned the results of an operation it is resized so that it can store the results.

The compiler currently produces simplistic code. For example, if it encounters the following equation "a = b*c' it will not invoke multTransB(b,c,a), but will explicitly transpose c and then call mult(). In the future it will recognize such short cuts.

Usage example:
 Equation eq = new Equation();
 eq.alias(x,"x", P,"P", Q,"Q");

 eq.process("x = F*x");
 eq.process("P = F*P*F' + Q");
Which will modify the matrices 'x' and 'P'. Support for sub-matrices and inline matrix construction is also available.
 eq.process("x = [2 1 0; 0 1 3;4 5 6]*x");  // create a 3x3 matrix then multiply it by x
 eq.process("x(1:3,5:9) = [a ; b]*2");      // fill the sub-matrix with the result
 eq.process("x(:) = a(4:2:20)");            // fill all elements of x with the specified elements in 'a'
 eq.process("x( 4 3 ) = a");                // fill only the specified number sequences with 'a'
 eq.process("x = [2:3:25 1 4]");            // create a row matrix from the number sequence
To pre-compile one of the above lines, do the following instead:
 Sequence predictX = eq.compile("x = F*x");
Then you can invoke it as much as you want without the "expensive" compilation step. If you are dealing with larger matrices (e.g. 100 by 100) then it is likely that the compilation step has an insignificant runtime cost. Variables can also be lazily declared and their type inferred under certain conditions. For example:
 eq.alias(A,"A", B,"B");
 eq.process("C = A*B");
 DMatrixRMaj C = eq.lookupMatrix("C");
In this case 'C' was lazily declared. To access the variable, or any others, you can use one of the lookup*() functions. Sometimes you don't get the results you expect and it can be helpful to print out the tokens and which operations the compiler selected. To do this set the second parameter to eq.compile() or eq.process() to true:

 Parsed tokens:


Built in Constants

 pi = Math.PI
 e  = Math.E

Supported functions

 eye(N)       Create an identity matrix which is N by N.
 eye(A)       Create an identity matrix which is A.numRows by A.numCols
 normF(A)     Frobenius normal of the matrix.
 normP(A,p)   P-norm for a matrix or vector. p=1 or p=2 is typical.
 sum(A)       Sum of every element in A
 sum(A,d)     Sum of rows for d = 0 and columns for d = 1
 det(A)       Determinant of the matrix
 inv(A)       Inverse of a matrix
 pinv(A)      Pseudo-inverse of a matrix
 rref(A)      Reduced row echelon form of A
 trace(A)     Trace of the matrix
 zeros(r,c)   Matrix full of zeros with r rows and c columns.
 ones(r,c)    Matrix full of ones with r rows and c columns.
 rand(r,c)    Matrix filled with i.i.d uniform numbers from 0 to 1
 randn(r,c)   Matrix filled with i.i.d normal distribution with mean of zero and stdev of 1
 rng(seed)    Specifies the random number generator's seed
 diag(A)      If a vector then returns a square matrix with diagonal elements filled with vector
 diag(A)      If a matrix then it returns the diagonal elements as a column vector
 dot(A,B)     Returns the dot product of two vectors as a double. Does not work on general matrices.
 solve(A,B)   Returns the solution X from A*X = B.
 kron(A,B)    Kronecker product
 abs(A)       Absolute value of A.
 max(A)       Element with the largest value in A.
 max(A,d)     Vector containing largest element along the rows (d=0) or columns (d=1)
 min(A)       Element with the smallest value in A.
 min(A,d)     Vector containing largest element along the rows (d=0) or columns (d=1)
 pow(a,b)     Computes a to the power of b. Can also be invoked with "a^b" scalars only.
 sqrt(a)      Computes the square root of a.
 sin(a)       Math.sin(a) for scalars only
 cos(a)       Math.cos(a) for scalars only
 atan(a)      Math.atan(a) for scalars only
 atan2(a,b)   Math.atan2(a,b) for scalars only
 exp(a)       Math.exp(a) for scalars is also an element-wise matrix operator
 log(a)       Math.log(a) for scalars is also an element-wise matrix operator

Supported operations

 '*'        multiplication (Matrix-Matrix, Scalar-Matrix, Scalar-Scalar)
 '+'        addition (Matrix-Matrix, Scalar-Matrix, Scalar-Scalar)
 '-'        subtraction (Matrix-Matrix, Scalar-Matrix, Scalar-Scalar)
 '/'        divide (Matrix-Scalar, Scalar-Scalar)
 '/'        matrix solve "x=b/A" is equivalent to x=solve(A,b) (Matrix-Matrix)
 '^'        Scalar power. a^b is a to the power of b.
 '\'        left-divide. Same as divide but reversed. e.g. x=A\b is x=solve(A,b)
 '.*'       element-wise multiplication (Matrix-Matrix)
 './'       element-wise division (Matrix-Matrix)
 '.^'       element-wise power. (scalar-scalar) (matrix-matrix) (scalar-matrix) (matrix-scalar)
 '''        matrix transpose
 '='        assignment by value (Matrix-Matrix, Scalar-Scalar)
Order of operations: [ ' ] precedes [ ^ .^ ] precedes [ * / .* ./ ] precedes [ + - ]

Specialized submatrix and matrix construction syntax

 Extracts a sub-matrix from A with rows 1 to 10 (inclusive) and column 3.
 Extracts a sub-matrix from A with rows 2 to numRows-1 (inclusive) and all the columns.
 Will concat A and B along their columns and then concat the result with  C along their rows.
 Defines a 3x2 matrix.
            [1 2; 3 4; 4 5]
 You can also perform operations inside:
            [[2 3 4]';[4 5 6]']
 Will assign B to the sub-matrix in A.
             A(1:3,4:8) = B

Integer Number Sequences

Previous example code has made much use of integer number sequences. There are three different types of integer number sequences 'explicit', 'for', and 'for-range'.
 1) Explicit:
    Example: "1 2 4 0"
    Example: "1 2,-7,4"     Commas needed to create negative numbers. Otherwise it will be subtraction.
 2) for:
    Example:  "2:10"        Sequence of "2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"
    Example:  "2:2:10"      Sequence of "2 4 6 8 10"
 3) for-range:
    Example:  "2:"          Sequence of "2 3 ... max"
    Example:  "2:2:"        Sequence of "2 4 ... max"
 4) combined:
    Example:  "1 2 7:10"    Sequence of "1 2 7 8 9 10"


Macros are used to insert patterns into the code. Consider this example:
 eq.process("macro ata( a ) = (a'*a)");
 eq.process("b = ata(c)");
The first line defines a macro named "ata" with one parameter 'a'. When compiled the equation in the second line is replaced with "b = (a'*a)". The "(" ")" in the macro isn't strictly necissary in this situation, but is a good practice. Consider the following.
 eq.process("b = ata(c)*r");
Will become "b = (a'*a)*r" but with out () it will be "b = a'*a*r" which is not the same thing!

NOTE:In the future macros might be replaced with functions. Macros are harder for the user to debug, but functions are harder for EJML's developer to implement.


 [1] It is not compiled into Java byte-code, but into a sequence of operations stored in a List.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    protected static enum 
  • Constructor Summary

    Equation(Object... args)
    Consturctor which allows you to alias variables
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    alias(double value, String name)
    Adds a new floating point variable.
    alias(int value, String name)
    Adds a new integer variable.
    alias(Object... args)
    Creates multiple aliases at once.
    alias(DMatrixRMaj variable, String name)
    Adds a new Matrix variable.
    alias(DMatrixSparseCSC variable, String name)
    alias(FMatrixRMaj variable, String name)
    alias(SimpleMatrix variable, String name)
    protected void
    aliasGeneric(Object variable, String name)
    Aliases variables with an unknown type.
    compile(String equation)
    compile(String equation, boolean assignment, boolean debug)
    Parses the equation and compiles it into a sequence which can be executed later on
    protected org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token
    createFunction(org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token name, List<org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token> inputs, org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence)
    Adds a new operation to the list from the operation and two variables.
    protected org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token
    createOp(org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token left, org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token op, org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token right, org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence)
    Adds a new operation to the list from the operation and two variables.
    protected org.ejml.equation.TokenList
    extractTokens(String equation, ManagerTempVariables managerTemp)
    Parses the text string to extract tokens.
    Returns the functions manager
    protected void
    handleParentheses(org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence)
    Searches for pairs of parentheses and processes blocks inside of them.
    protected org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token
    insertTranspose(org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token variable, org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence)
    Adds a new operation to the list from the operation and two variables.
    protected static boolean
    isLetter(char c)
    Returns true if the character is a valid letter for use in a variable name
    protected static boolean
    Operators which affect the variables to its left and right
    protected boolean
    Returns true if the specified name is NOT allowed.
    protected static boolean
    isSymbol(char c)
    protected static boolean
    isTargetOp(org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token token, Symbol[] ops)
    Checks to see if the token is in the list of allowed character operations.
    <T extends Variable>
    Looks up a variable given its name.
    protected org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token
    parseBlockNoParentheses(org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence, boolean insideMatrixConstructor)
    Parses a code block with no parentheses and no commas.
    protected void
    parseBracketCreateMatrix(org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence)
    Searches for brackets which are only used to construct new matrices by concatenating 1 or more matrices together
    protected void
    parseCombineIntegerLists(org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens)
    Looks for sequences of integer lists and combine them into one big sequence
    protected void
    parseIntegerLists(org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens)
    Searches for a sequence of integers example: 1 2 3 4 6 7 -3
    protected void
    parseNegOp(org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence)
    Searches for cases where a minus sign means negative operator.
    protected void
    parseOperationsL(org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence)
    Parses operations where the input comes from variables to its left only.
    protected void
    parseOperationsLR(Symbol[] ops, org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence)
    Parses operations where the input comes from variables to its left and right
    protected List<org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token>
    parseParameterCommaBlock(org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence)
    Searches for commas in the set of tokens.
    protected void
    parseSequencesWithColons(org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence)
    Searches for descriptions of integer sequences and array ranges that have a colon character in them Examples of integer sequences: 1:6 2:4:20 : Examples of array range 2: 2:4:
    protected org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token
    parseSubmatrixToExtract(org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token variableTarget, org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence)
    Converts a submatrix into an extract matrix operation.
    print(String equation)
    Prints the results of the equation to standard out.
    process(String equation)
    Compiles and performs the provided equation.
    process(String equation, boolean debug)
    Compiles and performs the provided equation.
    Sets the random seed using a seed based on the current time
    setSeed(long seed)
    Specifies the seed used in random number generators

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Equation

      public Equation()
    • Equation

      public Equation(Object... args)
      Consturctor which allows you to alias variables
      args - arguments for alias
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • setSeed

      public void setSeed(long seed)
      Specifies the seed used in random number generators
      seed - New seed for random number generator
    • setSeed

      public void setSeed()
      Sets the random seed using a seed based on the current time
    • alias

      public void alias(DMatrixRMaj variable, String name)
      Adds a new Matrix variable. If one already has the same name it is written over. While more verbose for multiple variables, this function doesn't require new memory be declared each time it's called.
      variable - Matrix which is to be assigned to name
      name - The name of the variable
    • alias

      public void alias(FMatrixRMaj variable, String name)
    • alias

      public void alias(DMatrixSparseCSC variable, String name)
    • alias

      public void alias(SimpleMatrix variable, String name)
    • alias

      public void alias(double value, String name)
      Adds a new floating point variable. If one already has the same name it is written over.
      value - Value of the number
      name - Name in code
    • alias

      public void alias(int value, String name)
      Adds a new integer variable. If one already has the same name it is written over.
      value - Value of the number
      name - Name in code
    • alias

      public void alias(Object... args)
      Creates multiple aliases at once.
    • aliasGeneric

      protected void aliasGeneric(Object variable, String name)
      Aliases variables with an unknown type.
      variable - The variable being aliased
      name - Name of the variable
    • compile

      public Sequence compile(String equation)
    • compile

      public Sequence compile(String equation, boolean assignment, boolean debug)
      Parses the equation and compiles it into a sequence which can be executed later on
      equation - String in simple equation format.
      assignment - if true an assignment is expected and an exception if thrown if there is non
      debug - if true it will print out debugging information
      Sequence of operations on the variables
    • handleParentheses

      protected void handleParentheses(org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence)
      Searches for pairs of parentheses and processes blocks inside of them. Embedded parentheses are handled with no problem. On output only a single token should be in tokens.
      tokens - List of parsed tokens
      sequence - Sequence of operators
    • parseParameterCommaBlock

      protected List<org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token> parseParameterCommaBlock(org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence)
      Searches for commas in the set of tokens. Used for inputs to functions. Ignore comma's which are inside a [ ] block
      List of output tokens between the commas
    • parseSubmatrixToExtract

      protected org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token parseSubmatrixToExtract(org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token variableTarget, org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence)
      Converts a submatrix into an extract matrix operation.
      variableTarget - The variable in which the submatrix is extracted from
    • parseBlockNoParentheses

      protected org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token parseBlockNoParentheses(org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence, boolean insideMatrixConstructor)
      Parses a code block with no parentheses and no commas. After it is done there should be a single token left, which is returned.
    • parseSequencesWithColons

      protected void parseSequencesWithColons(org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence)
      Searches for descriptions of integer sequences and array ranges that have a colon character in them Examples of integer sequences: 1:6 2:4:20 : Examples of array range 2: 2:4:
    • parseIntegerLists

      protected void parseIntegerLists(org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens)
      Searches for a sequence of integers example: 1 2 3 4 6 7 -3
    • parseCombineIntegerLists

      protected void parseCombineIntegerLists(org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens)
      Looks for sequences of integer lists and combine them into one big sequence
    • parseBracketCreateMatrix

      protected void parseBracketCreateMatrix(org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence)
      Searches for brackets which are only used to construct new matrices by concatenating 1 or more matrices together
    • parseNegOp

      protected void parseNegOp(org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence)
      Searches for cases where a minus sign means negative operator. That happens when there is a minus sign with a variable to its right and no variable to its left Example: a = - b * c
    • parseOperationsL

      protected void parseOperationsL(org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence)
      Parses operations where the input comes from variables to its left only. Hard coded to only look for transpose for now
      tokens - List of all the tokens
      sequence - List of operation sequence
    • parseOperationsLR

      protected void parseOperationsLR(Symbol[] ops, org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence)
      Parses operations where the input comes from variables to its left and right
      ops - List of operations which should be parsed
      tokens - List of all the tokens
      sequence - List of operation sequence
    • insertTranspose

      protected org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token insertTranspose(org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token variable, org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence)
      Adds a new operation to the list from the operation and two variables. The inputs are removed from the token list and replaced by their output.
    • createOp

      protected org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token createOp(org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token left, org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token op, org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token right, org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence)
      Adds a new operation to the list from the operation and two variables. The inputs are removed from the token list and replaced by their output.
    • createFunction

      protected org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token createFunction(org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token name, List<org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token> inputs, org.ejml.equation.TokenList tokens, Sequence sequence)
      Adds a new operation to the list from the operation and two variables. The inputs are removed from the token list and replaced by their output.
    • lookupVariable

      public <T extends Variable> T lookupVariable(String token)
      Looks up a variable given its name. If none is found then return null.
    • lookupMacro

      public Macro lookupMacro(String token)
    • lookupDDRM

      public DMatrixRMaj lookupDDRM(String token)
    • lookupFDRM

      public FMatrixRMaj lookupFDRM(String token)
    • lookupInteger

      public int lookupInteger(String token)
    • lookupDouble

      public double lookupDouble(String token)
    • extractTokens

      protected org.ejml.equation.TokenList extractTokens(String equation, ManagerTempVariables managerTemp)
      Parses the text string to extract tokens.
    • lookupSimple

      public SimpleMatrix lookupSimple(String token)
    • isTargetOp

      protected static boolean isTargetOp(org.ejml.equation.TokenList.Token token, Symbol[] ops)
      Checks to see if the token is in the list of allowed character operations. Used to apply order of operations
      token - Token being checked
      ops - List of allowed character operations
      true for it being in the list and false for it not being in the list
    • isSymbol

      protected static boolean isSymbol(char c)
    • isOperatorLR

      protected static boolean isOperatorLR(Symbol s)
      Operators which affect the variables to its left and right
    • isLetter

      protected static boolean isLetter(char c)
      Returns true if the character is a valid letter for use in a variable name
    • isReserved

      protected boolean isReserved(String name)
      Returns true if the specified name is NOT allowed. It isn't allowed if it matches a built in operator or if it contains a restricted character.
    • process

      public Equation process(String equation)
      Compiles and performs the provided equation.
      equation - String in simple equation format
    • process

      public Equation process(String equation, boolean debug)
      Compiles and performs the provided equation.
      equation - String in simple equation format
    • print

      public void print(String equation)
      Prints the results of the equation to standard out. Useful for debugging
    • getFunctions

      public ManagerFunctions getFunctions()
      Returns the functions manager