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= Equations =
= Equations =
Equations is very similar to Matlab but there are a few differencesFor a description of the syntax and list of available functions checkout the [[Equations]] tutorial.
If you're a Matlab user you seriously might want to consider using the [[Equations]] interface in EJML.  It is similar to Matlab and can be mixed with the other interfaces.
<syntaxHighlight lang="java">
eq.process("[A(5:10,:) , ones(5,5)] .* normF(B) \ C")
That equation would be horrendous to implement using SimpleMatrix or the operations interfaceTake a look at the [[Equations|Equations tutorial]] to learn more.
= SimpleMatrix =
= SimpleMatrix =

Revision as of 20:47, 3 April 2015

To help Matlab users quickly learn how to use EJML a list of equivalent functions is provided in the sections below. Keep in mind that directly porting Matlab code will often result in inefficient code. In Matlab for loops are very expensive and often extracting sub-matrices is the preferred method. Java like C++ can handle for loops much better and extracting and inserting a matrix can be much less efficient than direct manipulation of the matrix itself.


If you're a Matlab user you seriously might want to consider using the Equations interface in EJML. It is similar to Matlab and can be mixed with the other interfaces.

eq.process("[A(5:10,:) , ones(5,5)] .* normF(B) \ C")

That equation would be horrendous to implement using SimpleMatrix or the operations interface. Take a look at the Equations tutorial to learn more.


A subset of EJML's functionality is provided in SimpleMatrix. If SimpleMatrix does not provide the functionality you desire then look at the list of #Procedural functions below.

Matlab SimpleMatrix
eye(3) SimpleMatrix.identity(3)
diag([1 2 3]) SimpleMatrix.diag(1,2,3)
C(1,2) = 5 A.set(0,1,5)
C(:) = A C.set(A)
C(:) = 5 C.set(5)
C(2,:) = [1,2,3] C.setRow(1,0,1,2,3)
C(:,2) = [1,2,3] C.setColumn(1,0,1,2,3)
C = A(2:4,3:8) C = A.extractMatrix(1,4,2,8)
A(:,2:end) = B A.insertIntoThis(0,1,B);
C = diag(A) C = A.extractDiag()
C = [A,B] C = A.combine(0,A.numCols(),B)
C = A' C = A.transpose()
C = -A C = A.negative()
C = A*B C = A.mult(B)
C = A + B C = A.plus(B)
C = A - B C = A.minus(B)
C = 2*A C = A.scale(2)
C = A / 2 C = A.divide(2)
C = inv(A) C = A.invert()
C = pinv(A) C = A.pinv()
C = A \ B C = A.solve(B)
C = trace(A) C = A.trace()
det(A) A.det()
C=kron(A,B) C=A.kron(B)
norm(A,"fro") A.normf()
max(abs(A(:))) A.elementMaxAbs()
sum(A(:)) A.elementSum()
rank(A) A.svd(true).rank()
[U,S,V] = svd(A) A.svd(false)
[U,S,V] = svd(A,0) A.svd(true)
[V,L] = eig(A) A.eig()


Functions and classes in the procedural interface use DenseMatrix64F as input. Since SimpleMatrix is a wrapper around DenseMatrix64F its internal matrix can be extracted and passed into any of these functions.

Matlab Procedural
eye(3) CommonOps.identity(3)
C(1,2) = 5 A.set(0,1,5)
C(:) = A C.setTo(A)
C(2,:) = [1,2,3] CommonOps.insert(new DenseMatrix64F(1,3,true,1,2,3),C,1,0)
C(:,2) = [1,2,3] CommonOps.insert(new DenseMatrix64F(3,1,true,1,2,3),C,0,1)
C = A(2:4,3:8) CommonOps.extract(A,1,4,2,8)
diag([1 2 3]) CommonOps.diag(1,2,3)
C = A' CommonOps.transpose(A,C)
A = A' CommonOps.transpose(A)
A = -A CommonOps.changeSign(A)
C = A * B CommonOps.mult(A,B,C)
C = A .* B CommonOps.elementMult(A,B,C)
A = A .* B CommonOps.elementMult(A,B)
C = A ./ B CommonOps.elementDiv(A,B,C)
A = A ./ B CommonOps.elementDiv(A,B)
C = A + B CommonOps.add(A,B,C)
C = A - B CommonOps.sub(A,B,C)
C = 2 * A CommonOps.scale(2,A,C)
A = 2 * A CommonOps.scale(2,A)
C = A / 2 CommonOps.divide(2,A,C)
A = A / 2 CommonOps.divide(2,A)
C = inv(A) CommonOps.invert(A,C)
A = inv(A) CommonOps.invert(A)
C = pinv(A) CommonOps.pinv(A)
C = trace(A) C = CommonOps.trace(A)
C = det(A) C = CommonOps.det(A)
C=kron(A,B) CommonOps.kron(A,B,C)
B=rref(A) B = CommonOps.rref(A,-1,null)
norm(A,"fro") NormOps.normf(A)
norm(A,1) NormOps.normP1(A)
norm(A,2) NormOps.normP2(A)
norm(A,Inf) NormOps.normPInf(A)
max(abs(A(:))) CommonOps.elementMaxAbs(A)
sum(A(:)) CommonOps.elementSum(A)
rank(A,tol) svd.decompose(A); SingularOps.rank(svd,tol)
[U,S,V] = svd(A) DecompositionFactory.svd(A.numRows,A.numCols,true,true,false)
[U,S,V] = svd(A,0) DecompositionFactory.svd(A.numRows,A.numCols,true,true,true)
S = svd(A) DecompositionFactory.svd(A.numRows,A.numCols,false,false,true)
[V,D] = eig(A) eig = DecompositionFactory.eig(A.numCols); eig.decompose(A)
V = EigenOps.createMatrixV(eig); D = EigenOps.createMatrixD(eig)
[Q,R] = qr(A) decomp = DecompositionFactory.qr(A.numRows,A.numCols)
Q = decomp.getQ(null,false); R = decomp.getR(null,false)
[Q,R] = qr(A,0) decomp = DecompositionFactory.qr(A.numRows,A.numCols)
Q = decomp.getQ(null,true); R = decomp.getR(null,true)
[Q,R,P] = qr(A) decomp = DecompositionFactory.qrp(A.numRows,A.numCols)
Q = decomp.getQ(null,false); R = decomp.getR(null,false)
P = decomp.getPivotMatrix(null)
[Q,R,P] = qr(A,0) decomp = DecompositionFactory.qrp(A.numRows,A.numCols)
Q = decomp.getQ(null,true); R = decomp.getR(null,true)
P = decomp.getPivotMatrix(null)
R = chol(A) DecompositionFactory.chol(A.numCols,false)
[L,U,P] = lu(A) DecompositionFactory.lu(A.numCols)