Class ImplCommonOps_FSCC


@Generated("") public class ImplCommonOps_FSCC extends Object
Implementation class. Not recommended for direct use. Instead use CommonOps_FSCC instead.
  • Constructor Details

    • ImplCommonOps_FSCC

      public ImplCommonOps_FSCC()
  • Method Details

    • select

      public static void select(FMatrixSparseCSC A, FMatrixSparseCSC output, IPredicateBinary selector)
    • transpose

      public static void transpose(FMatrixSparseCSC A, FMatrixSparseCSC C, @Nullable @Nullable IGrowArray gw)
      Performs a matrix transpose.
      A - Original matrix. Not modified.
      C - Storage for transposed 'A'. Reshaped.
      gw - (Optional) Storage for internal workspace. Can be null.
    • add

      public static void add(float alpha, FMatrixSparseCSC A, float beta, FMatrixSparseCSC B, FMatrixSparseCSC C, @Nullable @Nullable IGrowArray gw, @Nullable @Nullable FGrowArray gx)
      Performs matrix addition:
      C = αA + βB
      alpha - scalar value multiplied against A
      A - Matrix
      beta - scalar value multiplied against B
      B - Matrix
      C - Output matrix.
      gw - (Optional) Storage for internal workspace. Can be null.
      gx - (Optional) Storage for internal workspace. Can be null.
    • addColAppend

      public static void addColAppend(float alpha, FMatrixSparseCSC A, int colA, float beta, FMatrixSparseCSC B, int colB, FMatrixSparseCSC C, @Nullable @Nullable IGrowArray gw)
      Adds the results of adding a column in A and B as a new column in C.
      C(:,end+1) = α*A(:,colA) + β*B(:,colB)
      alpha - scalar
      A - matrix
      colA - column in A
      beta - scalar
      B - matrix
      colB - column in B
      C - Column in C
      gw - workspace
    • elementMult

      public static void elementMult(FMatrixSparseCSC A, FMatrixSparseCSC B, FMatrixSparseCSC C, @Nullable @Nullable IGrowArray gw, @Nullable @Nullable FGrowArray gx)
      Performs element-wise multiplication:
      C_ij = A_ij * B_ij
      A - (Input) Matrix
      B - (Input) Matrix
      C - (Output) Matrix.
      gw - (Optional) Storage for internal workspace. Can be null.
      gx - (Optional) Storage for internal workspace. Can be null.
    • removeZeros

      public static void removeZeros(FMatrixSparseCSC input, FMatrixSparseCSC output, float tol)
    • removeZeros

      public static void removeZeros(FMatrixSparseCSC A, float tol)
    • duplicatesAdd

      public static void duplicatesAdd(FMatrixSparseCSC A, @Nullable @Nullable IGrowArray work)
    • symmLowerToFull

      public static void symmLowerToFull(FMatrixSparseCSC A, FMatrixSparseCSC B, @Nullable @Nullable IGrowArray gw)
      Given a symmetric matrix which is represented by a lower triangular matrix convert it back into a full symmetric matrix
      A - (Input) Lower triangular matrix
      B - (Output) Symmetric matrix.
      gw - (Optional) Workspace. Can be null.