Uses of Package
Packages that use org.ejml.dense.row.decomposition.chol
Classes in org.ejml.dense.row.decomposition.chol used by org.ejml.dense.row.decomposition.cholClassDescriptionThis is an implementation of Cholesky that processes internal submatrices as blocks.This is an implementation of Cholesky that processes internal submatrices as blocks.This is an abstract class for a Cholesky decomposition.This is an abstract class for a Cholesky decomposition.
Classes in org.ejml.dense.row.decomposition.chol used by org.ejml.dense.row.linsol.cholClassDescriptionThis is an abstract class for a Cholesky decomposition.This is an abstract class for a Cholesky decomposition.This variant on the Cholesky decomposition avoid the need to take the square root by performing the following decomposition:
where L is a lower triangular matrix with zeros on the diagonal.This variant on the Cholesky decomposition avoid the need to take the square root by performing the following decomposition:
where L is a lower triangular matrix with zeros on the diagonal.