Uses of Class
Packages that use FSubmatrixD1
Uses of FSubmatrixD1 in org.ejml.dense.block
Methods in org.ejml.dense.block with parameters of type FSubmatrixD1Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, int rowA, float alpha, FSubmatrixD1 B, int rowB, float beta, FSubmatrixD1 C, int rowC, int offset, int end) Row vector add:
add: ci = α*ai + βBi
where 'a', 'b', and 'c' are row vectors within the row block vectors of A, B, and C respectively.static boolean
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A) Checks to see if the submatrix has its boundaries along inner blocks.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, int rowA, float alpha, FSubmatrixD1 B, int rowB, int offset, int end) Row vector divide:
div: bi = ai/α
where 'a' and 'b' are row vectors within the row block vector A and B.static float
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, int rowA, FSubmatrixD1 B, int rowB, int offset, int end) Row vector dot/inner product:
dot: c = sum ai*bi
where 'a' and 'b' are row vectors within the row block vector A and B, and 'c' is a scalar.static float
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, int rowA, FSubmatrixD1 B, int colB, int offset, int end) vector dot/inner product from one row vector and one column vector:
dot: c = sum ai*bi
where 'a' is a row vector 'b' is a column vectors within the row block vector A and B, and 'c' is a scalar.static void
(int blockLength, boolean upper, FSubmatrixD1 T, @Nullable GrowArray<FGrowArray> workspace) Inverts an upper or lower triangular block submatrix.static void
(int blockLength, boolean upper, FSubmatrixD1 T, FSubmatrixD1 T_inv, @Nullable GrowArray<FGrowArray> workspace) Inverts an upper or lower triangular block submatrix.static void
(int blockLength, boolean upper, FSubmatrixD1 T, FSubmatrixD1 T_inv, @Nullable GrowArray<FGrowArray> workspace) Inverts an upper or lower triangular block submatrix.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B, FSubmatrixD1 C) static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B, FSubmatrixD1 C) static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B, FSubmatrixD1 C) static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B, FSubmatrixD1 C) static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B, FSubmatrixD1 C) static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B, FSubmatrixD1 C) static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B, FSubmatrixD1 C) static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B, FSubmatrixD1 C) static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B, FSubmatrixD1 C) static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B, FSubmatrixD1 C) static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B, FSubmatrixD1 C) static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B, FSubmatrixD1 C) static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B, FSubmatrixD1 C) static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B, FSubmatrixD1 C) static void
(int blockLength, float alpha, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B) Performs:
A = A + α B TBstatic void
(int blockLength, float alpha, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B) Performs:
A = A + α B TBstatic void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, int rowA, float alpha, FSubmatrixD1 B, int rowB, int offset, int end) Row vector scale:
scale: bi = α*ai
where 'a' and 'b' are row vectors within the row block vector A and B.static void
(int blockLength, boolean upper, FSubmatrixD1 T, FSubmatrixD1 B, boolean transT) Performs an in-place solve operation on the provided block aligned sub-matrices.
B = T-1 B
where T is a triangular matrix.static void
(int blockLength, boolean upper, FSubmatrixD1 T, FSubmatrixD1 B, boolean transT) Performs an in-place solve operation on the provided block aligned sub-matrices.
B = T-1 B
where T is a triangular matrix.static void
(int blockLength, boolean upper, FSubmatrixD1 T, FSubmatrixD1 B, boolean transT, boolean transB) Performs an in-place solve operation where T is contained in a single block.
B = T-1 B
where T is a triangular matrix contained in an inner block.static void
(int blockLength, boolean upper, FSubmatrixD1 T, FSubmatrixD1 B, boolean transT, boolean transB) Performs an in-place solve operation where T is contained in a single block.
B = T-1 B
where T is a triangular matrix contained in an inner block.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 L, FSubmatrixD1 B, boolean transL) Solves lower triangular systems:
B = L-1 B
static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 L, FSubmatrixD1 B, boolean transL) Solves lower triangular systems:
B = L-1 B
static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 R, FSubmatrixD1 B, boolean transR) Solves upper triangular systems:
B = R-1 B
static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 R, FSubmatrixD1 B, boolean transR) Solves upper triangular systems:
B = R-1 B
static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B) Rank N update function for a symmetric inner submatrix and only operates on the lower triangular portion of the submatrix.
A = A - B*BTstatic void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B) Rank N update function for a symmetric inner submatrix and only operates on the lower triangular portion of the submatrix.
A = A - B*BTstatic void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B) Rank N update function for a symmetric inner submatrix and only operates on the upper triangular portion of the submatrix.
A = A - B TBstatic void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B) Rank N update function for a symmetric inner submatrix and only operates on the upper triangular portion of the submatrix.
A = A - B TB -
Uses of FSubmatrixD1 in org.ejml.dense.block.decomposition.bidiagonal
Methods in org.ejml.dense.block.decomposition.bidiagonal with parameters of type FSubmatrixD1Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic boolean
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, float[] gammasU, float[] gammasV) Performs a standard bidiagonal decomposition just on the outer blocks of the provided matrix -
Uses of FSubmatrixD1 in org.ejml.dense.block.decomposition.chol
Methods in org.ejml.dense.block.decomposition.chol with parameters of type FSubmatrixD1Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic boolean
(FSubmatrixD1 T) static boolean
(FSubmatrixD1 T) -
Uses of FSubmatrixD1 in org.ejml.dense.block.decomposition.hessenberg
Methods in org.ejml.dense.block.decomposition.hessenberg with parameters of type FSubmatrixD1Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 V, int row) Applies the reflectors that have been computed previously to the specified row.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 V, int row, float gamma) Final computation for a single row of 'v':
v = y -(1/2)γ(y^T*u)*ustatic void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, float[] gammas, FSubmatrixD1 V) Given an already computed tridiagonal decomposition, compute the V row block vector.
y(:) = A*u
v(i) = y - (1/2)*γ*(y^T*u)*ustatic void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, FSubmatrixD1 W, float[] beta, int betaIndex) Computes W from the householder reflectors stored in the columns of the row block submatrix Y.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 V, int row, float gamma) Computes the 'y' vector and stores the result in 'v'
y = -γ(A + U*V^T + V*U^T)ustatic float
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, int rowA, FSubmatrixD1 B, int rowB, int zeroOffset) static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 V, int row) Multiples the appropriate submatrix of A by the specified reflector and stores the result ('y') in V.
y = A*ustatic void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B, FSubmatrixD1 C) C = C + A^T*Bstatic void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B, FSubmatrixD1 C) C = C + A^T*Bstatic void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, float[] gammas, FSubmatrixD1 V) Performs a tridiagonal decomposition on the upper row only. -
Uses of FSubmatrixD1 in org.ejml.dense.block.decomposition.qr
Methods in org.ejml.dense.block.decomposition.qr with parameters of type FSubmatrixD1Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, int rowA, float alpha, FSubmatrixD1 B, int rowB, float beta, FSubmatrixD1 C, int rowC, int zeroOffset, int end) static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, int rowA, float alpha, FSubmatrixD1 B, int rowB, float beta, FSubmatrixD1 C, int rowC, int zeroOffset, int end) static boolean
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, float[] gamma, int i) Computes the householder vector that is used to create reflector for the column.static boolean
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, float[] gamma, int i) Computes the householder vector that is used to create reflector for the column.static boolean
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, float[] gamma, int i) Computes the householder vector from the specified rowstatic boolean
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, float[] gamma, int i) Computes the householder vector from the specified rowstatic float
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, int col, float max) From the specified column of Y tau is computed and each element is divided by 'max'.static float
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, int col, float max) From the specified column of Y tau is computed and each element is divided by 'max'.static float
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, int row, int colStart, float max) From the specified row of Y tau is computed and each element is divided by 'max'.static float
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, int row, int colStart, float max) From the specified row of Y tau is computed and each element is divided by 'max'.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, FSubmatrixD1 W, @Nullable GrowArray<FGrowArray> workspace, float[] beta, int betaIndex) Computes W from the householder reflectors stored in the columns of the column block submatrix Y.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, FSubmatrixD1 W, @Nullable GrowArray<FGrowArray> workspace, float[] beta, int betaIndex) Computes W from the householder reflectors stored in the columns of the column block submatrix Y.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, int col, float[] temp) Computes YTv(j).static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, int col, float[] temp) Computes YTv(j).static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, FSubmatrixD1 W, int col, float[] temp, float beta) Computes the vector z and inserts it into 'W':
z = - βj*(Vj + W*h)
where h is a vector of length 'col' and was computed usingBlockHouseHolder_FDRB.computeY_t_V(int,, int, float[])
.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, FSubmatrixD1 W, int col, float[] temp, float beta) Computes the vector z and inserts it into 'W':
z = - βj*(Vj + W*h)
where h is a vector of length 'col' and was computed usingBlockHouseHolder_MT_FDRB.computeY_t_V(int,, int, float[])
.static boolean
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, float[] gamma) Performs a standard QR decomposition on the specified submatrix that is one block wide.static boolean
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, float[] gamma) Performs a standard QR decomposition on the specified submatrix that is one block wide.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, int col, float val) Divides the elements at the specified column by 'val'.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, int col, float val) Divides the elements at the specified column by 'val'.static float
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, int col) Finds the element in the column with the largest absolute value.static float
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, int col) Finds the element in the column with the largest absolute value.static float
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, int row, int colStart) Finds the element in the column with the largest absolute value.static float
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, int row, int colStart) Finds the element in the column with the largest absolute value.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 W, FSubmatrixD1 Y, int widthB, float b) Sets W to its initial value using the first column of 'y' and the value of 'b':
W = -βv
where v = Y(:,0).static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 W, FSubmatrixD1 Y, int widthB, float b) Sets W to its initial value using the first column of 'y' and the value of 'b':
W = -βv
where v = Y(:,0).static float
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, int colA, int widthA, int colB, int widthB) Computes the inner product of column vector 'colA' against column vector 'colB' while taking account leading zeros and one.
ret = aT*bstatic float
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, int colA, int widthA, int colB, int widthB) Computes the inner product of column vector 'colA' against column vector 'colB' while taking account leading zeros and one.
ret = aT*bstatic float
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, int rowA, FSubmatrixD1 B, int rowB, int zeroOffset) Computes the inner product of row vector 'rowA' against row vector 'rowB' while taking account leading zeros and one.
ret = aT*bstatic float
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, int rowA, FSubmatrixD1 B, int rowB, int zeroOffset) Computes the inner product of row vector 'rowA' against row vector 'rowB' while taking account leading zeros and one.
ret = aT*bstatic void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, FSubmatrixD1 B, FSubmatrixD1 C) Special multiplication that takes in account the zeros and one in Y, which is the matrix that stores the householder vectors.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, FSubmatrixD1 B, FSubmatrixD1 C) Special multiplication that takes in account the zeros and one in Y, which is the matrix that stores the householder vectors.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B, FSubmatrixD1 C) Performs a matrix multiplication on the block aligned submatrices.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, FSubmatrixD1 B, FSubmatrixD1 C) Performs a matrix multiplication on the block aligned submatrices.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, int row, float gamma, int zeroOffset) Applies a householder reflector stored in row 'row' to the left column block.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, int row, float gamma, int zeroOffset) Applies a householder reflector stored in row 'row' to the left column block.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, int row, int colStart, float gamma) Applies a householder reflector stored in row 'row' to the remainder of the row in the block after it.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, int row, int colStart, float gamma) Applies a householder reflector stored in row 'row' to the remainder of the row in the block after it.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, int col, float gamma) Applies a householder reflector stored in column 'col' to the remainder of the columns in the block after it.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, int col, float gamma) Applies a householder reflector stored in column 'col' to the remainder of the columns in the block after it.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, int col, float gamma) Applies a householder reflector stored in column 'col' to the top block row (excluding the first column) of A.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 A, int col, float gamma) Applies a householder reflector stored in column 'col' to the top block row (excluding the first column) of A.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, FSubmatrixD1 W, int row, int zeroOffset, float val) Scales the elements in the specified row starting at element colStart by 'val'.
W = val*Y Takes in account zeros and leading one automatically.static void
(int blockLength, FSubmatrixD1 Y, FSubmatrixD1 W, int row, int zeroOffset, float val) Scales the elements in the specified row starting at element colStart by 'val'.
W = val*Y Takes in account zeros and leading one automatically.protected void
(FSubmatrixD1 A) A = (I + W YT)TA
A = A + Y (WTA)
where A is a submatrix of the input matrix.protected void
(FSubmatrixD1 A) A = (I + W YT)TA
A = A + Y (WTA)
where A is a submatrix of the input matrix.