Package org.ejml
Class EjmlParameters
This is a list of parameters that are used across the code. To tune performance
for a particular system change these values.
Nested Class Summary
Nested Classes -
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic int
In modern computers there are high speed memory caches.static int
static int
static int
static EjmlParameters.MemoryUsage
Used to adjust which algorithms are used.static int
At what point does it switch from a small matrix multiply to the reorder version.static int
static int
static int
At which point should it switch to the block cholesky algorithm.static int
static final float
static final double
static int
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Field Details
public static final float TOL32- See Also:
public static final double TOL64- See Also:
Used to adjust which algorithms are used. Often there is a trade off between memory usage and speed. -
public static int BLOCK_WIDTHIn modern computers there are high speed memory caches. It is assumed that a square block with this width can be contained entirely in one of those caches. Settings this value too large can have a dramatic effect on performance in some situations. Setting it too low results in a less dramatic performance hit. The optimal value is dependent on the computer's memory architecture.
public static int BLOCK_WIDTH_CHOL -
public static int TRANSPOSE_SWITCH -
public static int MULT_COLUMN_SWITCHAt what point does it switch from a small matrix multiply to the reorder version. -
public static int MULT_TRANAB_COLUMN_SWITCH -
public static int MULT_INNER_SWITCH -
public static int CMULT_COLUMN_SWITCH -
public static int CMULT_TRANAB_COLUMN_SWITCH -
public static int SWITCH_BLOCK64_CHOLESKYAt which point should it switch to the block cholesky algorithm.
In benchmarks the basic actually performed slightly better at 1000 but in JVM 1.6 it some times get stuck in a mode where the basic version was very slow in that case the block performed much better.
public static int SWITCH_BLOCK64_QR
Constructor Details
public EjmlParameters()